The 2nd Engineering InnoShow

RoboFish (The VAYU project)

This project is the first endeavour of BREED HKU, HKU’s first bio-inspired robotics organisation. RoboFish is our very own robotic fish, controlled by a raspberry pi and powered by a battery, aimed at helping us learn more about underwater biomechanics. Not only does the fish have a high speed potential, but the project also involves the study of how fish movements are affected by different variables such as turbulence and drag. This targets the analysis of marine biology and ecosystems. Our model has many applications for research and development in the academic world, such as surveillance systems and sea exploration.

MECH4412 Automated storage and retrieval system design competition

Under the course MECH4412 (Design and manufacturing), the hands-on project is an important element which allows the students to develop hands-on skill and problem-solving technique. In the last academic year, the project title was “An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS)”. ASRS consists of a variety of computer-controlled systems for automatically placing and retrieving loads from defined storage locations. The benefits of an AS/RS system include reduced labour for transporting items into and out of inventory, reduced inventory levels, more accurate tracking of inventory, and space savings. Items are often stored more densely than in systems where items are stored and retrieved manually.

British Model Fly Association (BMFA) 2019 University and Schools Flight Challenges

The Design, Build & Fly (DBF) is a regular capstone design project under the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Every year, many ME students show a very strong enthusiasm in this project and our department encourages them to participate in different international competitions. Many student competitions are based on solving “real” cases and problems. By participating in a competition, it helps students to build up links between thinking and doing so that they learn to apply theories into practice with a deeper understanding of the concepts.

HKU Engineering students @ IBL Global Inclusive STEM+ Leadership week

This year marks the expansion of the Global Inclusive Leadership Program from China to Thailand. More than one thousand students in eighteen institutes from Greater China, Thailand and the UK participate in the leadership weeks. Students immerse themselves in a cross-cultural and social-mixing environment to develop and work closely together to come up with solutions that go beyond their training while adapting themselves in different cultural settings and developing global-minded perspective. For the participants, it is a journey of self-discovery and self-development. Among the values and skills students acquire in the program, innovative ideas, unconditional love and the spirit of teamwork stand out as the most noted and will help them to prepare for the future – a future of global citizenship. As one of the most respected educators in Thailand remarks: “it is truly an education of the twenty-first century.”

IMechE The Greater China Design Competition

The Greater China Design Competition 2019 (GCDC) was held by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Participants are required to design an energy relay system consists of four cars with different sources of energy, e.g. electrical, elastic energy, solar power, … etc. Each car was required to complete a 4m (L) X 0.5m (W) width path and trigger another car, hence, to finish a total of 12 meters straight path.

ClearBot 2019: Decentralized Robot Swarms to Clean our Oceans

Ocean plastics destroy our natural marine and coastal habitats, endanger wildlife across the globe, pollute our food chain, and ultimately affecting the global water-food-energy nexus. Here, we present ClearBot, a scalable, AI-powered, plastic collecting intelligent robotic solution to address the ocean plastic epidemic with a sustainable community-centric symbiotic ecosystem.

Design, Build & Fly for AIAA competition

The Design, Build & Fly (DBF) is a regular capstone design project under the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Every year, many ME students show a very strong enthusiasm in this project and our department encourages them to participate in different international competitions. Many student competitions are based on solving “real” cases and problems. By participating in a competition, it helps students to build up links between thinking and doing so that they learn to apply theories into practice with a deeper understanding of the concepts.