
  • Membership of Innovation Wing, once approved, will be effective until graduation.
  • Only registered members of Innovation Wing are permitted to access to its facilities, equipment and services with his/her HKU student/staff card.
  • Please go through the following steps (Registration and General Safety Training) before granting access to the Innovation Wing.

Step 1. Registration



  • Undergraduate students and academic staff in the Faculty of Engineering. 
  • HKU undergraduate students, taught postgraduate students and research postgraduate students, academic staff, and technical staff who is a team member of an Innovation Wing affiliated student interest group (SIG) are  eligible for membership.
  • Undergraduate students and academic staff who is a member of the InnoHub programme organized by the Innovation Academy.
  • Registered members of Innovation Wing are permitted access to its facilities, equipment and services. 

Eligible students will be added to the following Innovation Wing Moodle page where they can apply for membership of Innovation Wing.

If you are eligible for Innovation Wing membership but yet to have access to the following Moodle, please send an inquiry to innowing[at]

Step 2. Inno Induction and quiz on the general safety, rules, and guidelines

key safe

On the Moodle page, applicants must watch a induction video, which includes

After watching the induction video, students will complete on Moodle:

  • a quiz on the general safety, rules and guidelines; and
  • a declaration on health and disability and agreeing to follow the rules and guidelines of the Innovation Wing.

After passing the quiz:

  • Students are welcome to Innovation Wing physically and meet with our on-site tutors, technicians, and academic staff for in-person induction.
  • Students can also register for the in-person equipment training programme that focuses on the operational safety of the maker space facilities (note that many pieces of equipment in Innovation Wing are for trained members only).

Step 3. Membership Deposit

  • A refundable deposit of HKD $300 is required to secure the membership of the Innovation Wing. This fee is used for covering any repair/replacement costs to the equipment and facilities in Innovation Wing due to any damages caused by the member. With effect from January 1, 2025 until further notice, the refundable deposit is exempted. All members are reminded to take good care of the equipment and facilities of Inno Wing and they are liable to compensation for any damages to the property of Inno Wing.
Rules and Guidelines for Users

The Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing is a collaborative space established to facilitate student experiential learning and researchers’ demonstration of their works for knowledge exchange. To accommodate the needs of different user groups, the Innovation Wing has to balance between safety, fair use and care for the facilities. To guard against misuse, it maintains a membership system. Only registered members of Innovation Wing are permitted to use the facilities, equipment and services.  Users must exhibit respectable behaviour, and must not jeopardize the rights of other users of the facility.  Below is a list of Rules and Guidelines which users of the Innovation Wing must follow.

1. Violation of rules

  • Repeated violation of any of the rules may result in immediate suspension of membership and revoking of access right to the Innovation Wing, its facilities and services.

2. Access restriction

  • Only registered members of Innovation Wing are allowed to enter from the main entrance on the ground floor of Hui Oi Chow Science Building.
  • Users should NOT bring in other people even if they forget to bring their access cards.

3. Opening hours and adverse weather arrangement

Normal opening hours:

The opening hours for members:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 9:00pm
    • Morning session (9:00am – 1:00pm)
    • Afternoon session (1:00pm – 5:00pm)
    • Evening session (5:00am – 9:00pm)
  • Saturday: 9:00am – 1:00pm
  • Closed on Sunday, University & Public Holiday except for approved events/activities. 
  • Users should leave the premises when the closing time of Innovation Wing is announced.
  • Users should clean and tidy up the workplace at the end of each session.

Adverse Weather Arrangements

Typhoon Signal No 8 or above

Time of hoisting or lowering Innovation Wing will
Hoisted before opening hours or a Pre-No. 8 Special announcement is made by the Hong Kong Observatory 2 hours before Innovation Wing is open
remain closed
Hoisted when the Innovation Wing is open
remain open with limited services until the end of that session
Lowered before 2:30pm
open as soon as practicable within 2 hours with limited services. Services will resume normal in the next session
Hoisted / in force after 2:30pm
remain closed in the afternoon and evening sessions

Black Rainstorm Warning

Time of hoisting or lowering Innovation Wing will
Hoisted before opening hours
remain closed
Hoisted when the Innovation Wing is open
remain open with limited services until the end of that session
Lowered before 2:30pm
open as soon as practicable within 2 hours with limited services. Services will resume normal in the next session.
Hoisted / in force after 2:30pm
remain closed in the afternoon and evening sessions

"Extreme Conditions" Announcement

Time of announcement or cancellation Innovation Wing will
Announced before opening hours
remain closed
Announced when the Innovation Wing is open
remain open with limited services until the end of that session as conditions allow
Cancelled before 2:30pm
open as soon as practicable within 2 hours with limited services. Services will resume normal in the next session.
Announced / in force after 2:30pm
remain closed in the afternoon and evening sessions

When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or below or Red or Amber Rainstorm Signal is in force, Innovation Wing will be open as scheduled unless an announcement to the contrary has been made by the University.

  • Please refer to the following link for the University’s arrangement during bad weather:
  • Innovation Wing Office reserves the right to close the facilities at any time without prior notice in/before the event of adverse weather or other emergencies.

4. Follow instructions of technicians and tutors of Innovation Wing

Users should follow the instructions of technicians and tutors of the Innovation Wing The on-duty technicians and tutors will wear the following badges.

5. General safety
The fire escape route and location of the safety station on the G/F of Innovation Wing
Fire assembly point: Open area outside James Lee Building G/F
The fire escape route and location of the safety station on the LG/F of Innovation Wing
Fire assembly point: Open area outside James Lee Building G/F
  • Users should take note of the location and the use of the safety station in Innovation Wing, which provides personal protective equipment, first aid boxes, and fire extinguishers.
  • Users should read and follow the safety arrangements of the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing:


  • Users should take note of the fire evacuation plan and assembly point of the Innovation Wing (G/F and LG/F of the Hui Oi Chow Building) as designated in the following website.

 6. Access permission for equipment and facilities

  • Users should understand and follow the signages regarding the access permission for equipment and facilities.


  • The equipment/facility is available for all members. Feel free to use it when it is not occupied.


  • The equipment/facility is available for members who has received training only.


  • The equipment/facility is not accessible to all members and only Innovation Wing staff have access permission of it.
  • Users should NOT use any equipment/facilities designated as “Trained members only” before receiving and passing the relevant training provided by the Innovation Wing.

7. Usage arrangement for equipment and facilities

  • Users should understand and follow the signages regarding the usage arrangement for equipment and facilities.
  • All members should take good care of the equipment and facilities of Inno Wing and they are liable to compensation for any damages to the property of Inno Wing.



  • Please serve yourself when the equipment/facility is not occupied.



  • Please talk to the on-duty Innovation Wing technician/tutor before use.
  • Provide the student ID card for the check-in
  • The user checks and agrees that condition of the equipment/facility is good.
  • The on-duty staff will decide a reasonable usage period of the equipment/facility based on the usage rate.


  • Clean and tidy up by the user (student member).
  • Report to the on-duty staff (tutor/technician) for acknowledgment
  • The on-duty staff checks and agrees that condition of the equipment/facility is good.


  • Prior booking and approval required.
  • The booking is available for academic staff in Engineering only.
  • If student members would like to use this equipment/facility, please engage their academic supervisor in Engineering so the supervisor can make the booking through the Innovation Wing Office.
  • The detailed booking instructions will be released soon.

8. Buddy system for equipment and facilities

  • Even if a user is trained to operate an equipment/facility, the user should NEVER operate any equipment/facility alone and follow a buddy system.
  • Users should understand and follow the signages regarding the buddy requirement for operating any equipment and facilities.


  • Never use/operate this equipment/facility alone.
  • Users should operate the equipment/facility with the presence, attention, and assistance of another trained member.



  • Never use/operate this equipment/facility alone.
  • Users should work under the on-site supervision of an Innovation Wing tutor/technician.



  • Never use/operate this equipment/facility alone.
  • Users should work under the on-site supervision of an Innovation Wing technician.

9. Cleanliness and tidiness

  • Users should clean and tidy up the workplace at the end of every session/after use.
  • Users should return the workplace to its original settings at the end of every session/after use.

10. Food and cooking

  • Food and beverages are allowed only in areas designated by signage.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the Innovation Wing.
  • Cooking or heating is strictly prohibited.

11. Posters

  • Posting of posters inside or at the exterior glass façade of the Innovation Wing is strictly forbidden unless prior approval has been given by the Innovation Wing Office.

12. Shipping/delivery of items

  • Users are NOT allowed to use the Innovation Wing as the shipping/delivery address of items.

13. Project items

  • Users should obtain the approval from the Innovation Wing Office before moving in any project items (including but not limited to project equipment, tools, materials and storage boxes) into Innovation Wing.

14. Project storage

  • Users should NOT leave any project items (including but not limited to project equipment, tools, materials and storage boxes) in Innovation Wing unless prior approval has been given by the Innovation Wing Office.
  • Supervisor of Innovation Wing affiliated Student Interest Groups (SIGs) can request for storage space such as cabinets and temporary storage area. Innovation Wing Office shall make the best effort to accommodate the request.
  • The Innovation Wing Office has the right to allocate/relocate/revoke the storage space for the SIG teams.
  • When storage space becomes inadequate, the Innovation Wing Office has the right to request the SIG team to relocate its project items back to their host department.

15. Personal property

  • Users are responsible for their personal property at all times and should never leave personal belongings unattended.
  • Project/personal items left unattended for 30 minutes or longer may be removed by Innovation Wing staff as Lost and Found items to make the occupied space available to others.
  • Innovation Wing Office and The University of Hong Kong shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to their personal belongings and properties.

16. Surveillance system

  • The Innovation Wing is conscious of the expectations between security, personal liberty and privacy. The installation of the surveillance system is therefore meant for protecting community safety and only in the public area. Users will be forewarned of the presence of the surveillance system.

17. Lost and Found

  • Lost and Found items at the Innovation Wing are handled by the Innovation Wing Office in cooperation with the University’s Security Office.

18. Chemical and hazardous items

  • Unless approved by the Innovation Wing Safety Officer, chemical and hazardous items should NOT be brought into the workspace.

19. Clothing

  • Users must wear proper attire at all times inside the Innovation Wing. DO NOT wear sandals or open-toed shoes.

20. Sleeping

  • Sleeping (including overnight sleeping) is strictly prohibited in the workspace.

21. Gambling

  • Gambling is strictly prohibited at all times in the Innovation Wing.

22. Smoking

  • Smoking is prohibited in the University campus including the Innovation Wing.

23. Soliciting

  • In order to respect the privacy, security and comfort of all Innovation Wing users, soliciting is not permitted unless prior approval from the Innovation Wing Office has been obtained. This applies to the request of money, services, favours, goods, opinions and signatures, petitioning, interviewing, and selling of any products or services.

24. Animals and guide dogs

  • Animals and pets are not allowed in Innovation Wing.
  • Guide dogs are allowed in the general area of the Innovation Wing. For entering the workspace area, users should contact our Technical Manager/safety representative for assistance.

25. Cell phone

  • Please set cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices to silent or vibration mode in Innovation Wing. Keep your voice down when using cell phones.

26. Use of IT facilities

  • Policies and guidelines governing the use of IT facilities can be viewed at
  • All PCs in the Innovation Wing will be logged off automatically after idling for 30 minutes. Files saved in the PC will be DELETED upon logoff/shutdown.

27. Children

  • Children under the age of 17 other than HKU students should be accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult at all times who is responsible for the behaviour of accompanying children.

28. Protection of copyright works

  • Protection of copyright works is taken seriously by the Innovation Wing. All users, including guests visiting the exhibition hall, would be asked to respect the rights of the copyright owner and should NOT make a copy by any material form without licence or authorization by the owner.
  • Unless permitted by either the owner of the copyrighted work or the Innovation Wing Office, users should NOT take any photo, video or create drawing on the works. 
  • Please refer to the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance for details or seek advice from your supervisor.

29. Interpretation of the rules and regulations

  • In case of dispute, the Innovation Wing Office has the sole and final discretion of interpretation of these regulations.

30. Guidance for Using Generative AI Tools and Building Applications

  • Adhere to the ‘Guidance for Using Generative AI Tools and Building Applications’ to ensure responsible and ethical utilization of these tools in your academic pursuits.

31. End of membership

  • Termination of membership will be processed in batch.
  • Tam Wing Fan Innovaton Wing reserves the right to terminate a membership or member’s access to the Innovation Wing at any time and for any reason without providing prior notice.
  • On the termination of Innovation Wing membership, the following steps will be executed:                
  • Revoke all access rights to Innovation Wing. 
  • Return of borrowed equipment (if any).