This document is mounted at and it details the arrangement for safety and health issues of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing

ALL USERS should read Section 7, Section 8 and Section 9.

Supervisors of Thematic Workshops, projects in Thematic Workshops, Studios, projects in Studios and Student Interest Groups should also read Section 3.1, Section 3.9 and Section 5 (incl. the subsections applicable to the relevant workplace(s)).

Clerical, Administrative, and IT Staff should read Section 3.2 and Section 3.7, among others.

Technical (full-time and part-time) Staff: Section 3.2, Section 3.10 and Section 5 (incl. the subsections applicable to the relevant workplace(s)), among others.

Tutors should read Section 3.2 and Section 5 (incl. the subsections applicable to the relevant workplace(s)), among others.

Students should read Section 5 (incl. the subsections applicable to the relevant workplace(s)), among others.



1.       Preamble

2.       Safety & Health Relevant Staff

3.       Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities

Supervisory Staff

Staff (including tutors) of InnoWing


Technical Manager

Safety Representative

Chemical Waste Manager

Administrative Assistant / Executive

Manual Handling Operation Risks Assessor



Fire Wardens

4.       Fire Safety

Escape Routes

Emergency Evacuation

5.       Workplace Safety Regulations/Guidelines

General Safety

Electrical Safety

Machinery Safety

Chemical Safety

Biological Safety

Rechargeable Batteries

Work-above-ground and Work-at-height

Safety Quiz and Training for Students

Student Interest Group Working Outside
Opening Hours

6.       In-house Inspection System

7.       Safety Vetting for Activities

8.       Reporting Incidents and Injuries

9.       Infection Control Measures

10.   Safety Awareness Declaration

11.   Guidelines on Safety Pest Control Operation

1. Preamble

Safety arrangements and guidelines/regulations in InnoWing are overseen by the Safety Working Group under the Executive Committee of InnoWing.
In this document, the arrangements and guidelines/regulations are described and the principal safety responsibilities of different staff are also indicated.

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2. Safety & Health Relevant Staff

All staff and users have their safety and health responsibilities. The following table lists the safety & health relevant staff who assume more specific safety tasks:

Contact Number
Dr. C.K. Chui
Director’s Office
3910 2399
Technical Manager*
Mr. C.S. Seto
Machine Shop
3910 2384
First Aiders
Mr. C.S. Seto
Machine Shop
3910 2384
Mr. Ryan Chan
General Office
3910 2388
Mr. H.Y. Law
General Office
3910 2388
Fire Wardens
(Note: No separate wardens for LG/F and G/F)
Mr. C.S. Seto
Machine Shop
3910 2384
Mr. Ryan Chan
General Office
3910 2388
Safety Working Group
Dr. C.K. Chui, Mr. C.S. Seto, Prof. K.Y. Sze
General Office
3910 2388

* (i) The Technical Manager is also the Safety Representative, the Chemical Waste Manager, the First Aid Box Coordinator, and the supervisor for manual handling operations. Furthermore, he/she is in charge of the Machine Shop and Maker Spaces. (ii) Mr. Ryan Chan will be the acting Technical Manager when the Technical Manager is on leave. (iii)  As radioactive substances and display screen equipment are not used in InnoWing, there is no Radiation Safety Representative and Display Screen Equipment Assessor.

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3. Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities

In this section, the principal safety & health responsibilities of various parties are indicated. The order does not necessarily reflect the level of responsibility and importance. Additional descriptions of the responsibilities can be viewed at

3.1  Supervisory Staff

Supervisory staff here include but are not restricted to supervisors of sub-spaces (thematic workshops, studios, maker spaces), projects (project in
thematic workshops and project studios) and staff (Director, Technical Manager, Administrative Assistant/Executive Officer). They are responsible for ensuring
that any risks to safety and health within their area of responsibility are properly identified and controlled.

The safety responsibility extends beyond the boundaries of the
University campus and includes off-campus activities. The supervisor should
follow the safety guidelines of their home Department on these activities.

Staff cannot delegate out of this responsibility and should
endeavour to encourage and foster safe working practices among the supervisees.

In cases where safety and health guidelines have not been
prepared at InnoWing or University level, supervisory staff must ensure that a
risk assessment has been completed and appropriate provisions have been made to
eliminate or control the risks.

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3.2  Staff (including Tutors) of InnoWing

All full-time and part-time staff (including tutors)

should be familiar with the safety & health arrangement and
recognize that they all have a part to play in preventing accidents and
incidents of ill-health emanating from the workplace;

have the responsibility to cooperate with supervisors and other
staff to achieve a safe & healthy workplace and to take reasonable care of
themselves and others;

should not take risks nor carry out procedures or work practices
contrary to safe working practices; if they are in any doubt they should raise
such items with their immediate supervisor; if the supervisor does not offer a
reasonable solution, the matter must be referred to the Technical Manager and/or
the Director;

ensure that the steel stair of design load of 5 kPa (~ 500 kg/m2,
~ seven 70 kg persons / m2) connecting the G/F and LG/F is not
overloaded in the hosted activities, including group visits;

ensure that the stepped platform of 3 kPa (~ 300 kg/m2,
~ four 70 kg persons / m2) in the brainstorming area opposite to the
LED wall on the LG/F is not overloaded in the hosted activities, including
group visits;

ensure the infection control measures (see Section 8) are followed by themselves and
anyone entering InnoWing;

should know how to use the fire-fighting equipment provided in

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3.3   Director

The Director has overall safety & health
responsibilities for the staff and students working in InnoWing. The
responsibilities include

providing adequate resources to ensure that healthy and safe
working conditions are maintained and that safe working practices and safe
systems of work are adopted by the staff and students;

providing sufficient information, instruction, training and
supervision to ensure as far as reasonably practicable the safety and well-being
of the staff and students;

ensuring that all measures designed to safeguard the safety &
health of each individual are put into practice;

monitoring the leave of the full-time technical staff so that, in
general, only one of them takes leave on the same day

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3.4  Technical Manager

Technical manager is automatically the Safety
Representative, the Chemical Waste Manager, First Aid Box Coordinator and
Manual Handling Operation Risk Assessor of the InnoWing. He/she is also
responsible for the health and safety of all the technical staff working in
InnoWing.  He/she as the immediate supervisor of all technical staff has full
responsibility in their roles in upholding the safety regulations. In
particular, his/her responsibilities are

directing and coordinating the handling of chemical wastes as
stipulated in “Chemical Waste” (see Section 3.6);

ensuring adequate first-aid materials are provided in all
first-aid boxes and that they are regularly renewed (duty of the First-Aid Box

enforcing and observing the incidents report procedure (see Section 7);

enforcing the Safety Declaration and filing the Safety Declaration
Forms until the Forms expire;

maintaining the CCTV system in good working condition (including
reviewing the recorded image) by enforcing a weekly functional check;

ensuring the hard disk capacity for CCTV can store the recorded videos
not less than one month;

being the manual handling risk assessor (see Section 3.8);

filing the safety and safety-related training records/certificates
of all full-time and part-time technical staff;

ensuring that tool and equipment, such as but not limited to air
compressor(s), laser cutting machine(s), emergence shower(s), fume hood(s), protective
electrical switch(es)and mobile working platform, are properly maintained,
examined/tested and inspected in compliance with the statutory requirement;

ensuring that all full-time and part-time technical staff know how
to use the fire-fighting equipment provided in InnoWing.

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3.5   Safety Representative

Responsibilities of the safety representative can be viewed
at for further details. He/she
assists the Director in fulfilling the safety & health responsibilities in
the following aspects:

informing the Director and Safety Office of any special hazards
in, or new hazards about to be introduced into, the unit;

ensuring that new members of the InnoWing, including students,
are informed of the safety & health policy, standards and procedures;

identifying training needs and conducting training activities;

ensuring that means exist for all machinery and equipment to be
properly maintained and used in a safe condition;

ensuring with the assistance of Safety Office that first aid,
personal protective equipment and safety facilities are provided and properly

directing a regular program of safety inspections, and
participating in such inspections (see Section

ensuring that accidents are reported promptly by following the University
procedures and reporting any case of non-compliance to the Director;

investigating accidents and incidents and recommending accident
prevention measures to the Director as and when necessary.

ensuring that the technical staff, Chemical Waste Manager, first
aiders and the fire wardens are adequately trained, instructed, supervised and
informed of any potential hazards associated with the handling, transport and
storage of various tools, equipment, chemicals, etc.;

ensuring that laboratories/workshops are maintained in a tidy and
organized condition, and they continue to meet the safety & health

ensuring that safety guidelines/regulations are properly enforced
in all workshops/studios;

ensuring technical staff have appropriate tools, equipment,
access to equipment and proper safety gears to enable them to carry out work
safely without risks to health;

ensuring that outside staff such as those who do the repairing
and maintenance jobs in the laboratories are not put at risk by University
operations and conversely to ensure that they do not jeopardize the safety
& health of University staff, students, visitors, etc.;

identifying new hazards which may arise due to new equipment,
projects, etc. and implementing the relevant safety measures and practices;

updating the Health & Safety Information Placard every six
months and whenever new hazard(s) arises;

ensuring that the workshops/studios workshops with hazards
identified on Health & Safety Information Placards are visited at least
once in every half working day by technical staff;

ensuring that all machinery in laboratories/workshops conform to
the standard of Regulation of The Factory and Industrial Undertakings (Guarding
and Operation of Machinery) by proper inspection and maintenance regularly;

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3.6  Chemical Waste Manager

Duties of the Chemical Waste Manager can be viewed at
In particular, the duties include

initiating a Waste Log Sheet for each pail (Every waste entering
the pail must be properly logged and the filled log sheet must accompany the
pail at time of collection by Safety Office.)

directing and coordinating the handling of chemical wastes.

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3.7  Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer

General duties of the Administrative Assistant / Executive
Officer are to ensure that office staff under him/her are trained, supervised,
instructed and informed of any potential hazards in the general office. In
particular, his/her safety & health responsibilities include:

maintaining the InnoWing Office in an organized condition;

ensuring the general cleanliness, tidiness and housekeeping are kept
to a standard such that none are potential causes of accidents and ill-health;

ensuring that infection control measures implemented by the
University are upheld (see Section 8);

ensuring that electrical equipment for office and pantry
equipment is regularly checked for obvious faults and dangers;

ensuring lighting in the office is adequate for work;

ensuring the position of the computer screen does not create
uncomfortable viewing and that the design of the computer installation is
within acceptable ergonomic standards;

ensuring the fire warden(s) and first aiders(s) who are office
staff are properly trained;

ensuring that all staff in the General Office including
themselves, the IT staff and tutors should not

enter a thematic workshop without escorting by technical staff;

distract staff/students working in the maker spaces and project

use any tools in the maker spaces, project studios and thematic
workshops unless they have been received the relevant training recognized by
the InnoWing;

ensuring that all staff in the General Office including
themselves have read and would observe the regulations/guidelines in Section
3.2 and this subsection.

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3.8  Manual Handling Operation Risk Assessor

It is required by law (Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance) that risk assessment for manual handling operations by the person responsible for the workplace is necessary. Besides, if ten or more staff are involved in a manual handling operation which may create safety & health risks, the person responsible (the Technical Manager) for the workplace must appoint a competent person to assist in carrying out preventive and protective measures in compliance with to the Guidance Notes on Manual Handling Operations

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The general duties of the Staff-in-Charge of a workshop, a studio or a Student Interest Group are to ensure that the staff, students and visitors working in the relevant workplace under their supervision are trained, instructed, supervised and informed of any potential hazards (and how to overcome them) which they may be confronted with whilst at work. Their responsibilities also include:

ensuring the safety and health of the staff, students and
visitors, as far as is reasonably practicable, whilst working in areas and
laboratories other than their own;

identifying and upholding the safety regulations applicable to
the workplaces and laboratories;

identifying the Safety Checklist(s) applicable to the workplaces
and laboratories;

informing the Workspace & Safety Committee and the Technical
Manager of any special hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into
the workplace;

ensuring staff, students and visitors are aware of the hazard(s)
in the workplace and the applicable safety regulations;

ensuring proper, adequate and functioning equipment/facilities
are available in the workplace and laboratory as required by various safety
regulations on its activities and inventory;

maintaining and managing the workplaces in a tidy and
well-organized condition that the health and safety requirements are met;

enforcing Incidents Reporting System (see Section 7) and Safety Awareness
Declaration (see Section 9).

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3.10 Technician-in-charge

Technician-in-charge of a workshop or studios is identified on Health & Safety Information Placard. His/her responsibility include:

upholding the safety regulations in the workplace; if the act of
upholding the regulations fails, they should report the incident to the technical
manager and/or staff-in-charge immediately;

being aware of the hazards as well as newly appeared hazards in the
workplace and attending training workshops related to these hazards organized
by the Safety Office or elsewhere;

maintaining and managing the workplace in a tidy and organized
condition and that the workplace continue to meet the health and safety

ensuring the well-being of all the fire-fighting, safety-related
and first-aid equipment materials/facilities and learning how to operate them;

making the hazard(s) known to students before they start to work
in the workplace and ensuring that the students are adequately supervised;

making the hazard(s) known to the contractor and its workers,
ensuring that contractor and their workers sign a record book in which their
name, the company name, company telephone number; all work done by the
contractor and their workers must be closely supervised;

preparing the list of chemicals used and/or stored in the
workshop or studios; the list should mention the means such as hardcopies or
internet links for accessing the related Material Safety Data Sheets

reporting any accident, injury, near-misses and repeated
violations of safety regulations that occurred in their respective laboratory
or during the work by following the Reporting Procedure (see Section 7) as soon as possible;

implementing the Laboratory/Workshop Safety Awareness Declaration
(see Section 9);

working with the First-Aid Box Coordinator to ensure that the
first-aid box in the workplace contain sufficient quantity of suitable first
aid materials and nothing else;

if there is a hazard(s) on the Health & Safety Information
Placard of the workplace, ensuring that the laboratories/workshops are visited
at least once in every half working day by technical staff;

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3.11 Fire Wardens

A fire warden should under no circumstances be responsible for more than one floor. The roles of the fire wardens are detailed in the document “Role of Fire Wardens” at On hearing the alarm, each fire warden is requested to:

immediately put on the “HKU Fire Warden” cap provided by the
Safety Office for identification;

check rooms to ensure all people have left; if some people are
unwilling to leave, do not delay but continue to search other rooms;

spur on people to leave their place of work and to direct them to
the appropriate exit(s);

note which rooms or areas were not checked due to smoke/fires and
to inform the fire brigade upon its arrival without delay;

move people away from building exits to the assembly point;

report any problems (missing persons, non-evacuated staff etc.)
to the fire brigade without delay.

identify key holders should the fire brigade wish to enter locked

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4. Fire Safety

4.1   Escape Routes

A poster on the escape route is posted near the exit of each workplace. Technician-in-charge should inform the users of the workplace with the escape route before they use the workplace.

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4.2  Emergency Evacuation

In an emergency, the technician-in-charge and the fire warden have TOTAL authority to evacuate the workplace. Evacuation orders MUST be followed. If the fire alarm is on, unless it is on testing mode, all individuals must evacuate immediately by following an escape route.

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5. Workplace Safety Regulations/Guidelines

A workplace here can refer to a maker Space, a thematic workshop, a project studio, a maker space, the Digital Learning Studio and the machine shop. The hazard(s) in the workplace is identified on the Health & Safety Information Placard posted on its door. Safety guidelines, regulations and checklists can be viewed at and/or Following is a partial list of the relevant documents and their links:

Biological Safety Policy and Guidance Document (

Chemical Safety in Laboratories (,
Section ??)

Chemical Waste (

Electrical Hazards (,

Engineered Nanomaterials, Guidelines for the use of

Fume Cupboards (

Working platform safety guidelines

General Safety of workplaces (Section 5.1)

High-Power Lasers, Code of Practice on User of (

Machinery safety (

Action in Case of an Emergency (

Carcinogens (

Display Screen Equipment (Visual Display Units) (

Guidelines on Safe Pest Control Operation (

Health & Safety Information Placard (

Reporting Procedure for Accidents, Dangerous Occurrence &
Near Misses (

Work Outside Normal Working Hours (

Inspection Lists (

The applicable regulations/guidelines and checklists to a
workplace are specified by the Staff-in-charge and endorsed by the Safety
Working Group. The information given below is intended to be an outline of the
more exhaustive regulations/guidelines of higher relevance to InnoWing. They
should not be regarded as the only applicable regulations.

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5.1   General Safety

All personnel in the workplace MUST understand and follow the
applicable safety regulations/guidelines at ALL times. Violation of these
regulations is sufficient ground to revoke user’s access privilege for the
workplace by the technical staff responsible to uphold the regulations for the
workplace. If the act of upholding the regulations fails, the technical staff should
report the incident to the Technical Manager and/or the Director as soon as

Unauthorized entrance to a workplace is prohibited.

Unauthorized work/experiment in a workplace is prohibited.

Hazard warning tape, often in black/yellow, is used to indicate
the existence of hazard(s). The tape should not be crossed unless the user has in-depth
knowledge on how to avoid the hazard(s) and/or has been granted the privilege to
do so.

Eating and drinking in all workplaces are prohibited.

Non-technical staff should never perform work/experiment alone in
a workplace.

Operating any powered items after alcohol/drug that may cause
drowsiness is prohibited.

In all workplaces, loose clothes (including scarves, ties, etc.)
and open-toed shoes, such as slippers, pumps and sandals, must NOT be worn.
Shoes MUST provide adequate protection of your feet and MUST cover the whole

Using/operating any powered items with exposed high speed
moving/rotating part(s) including drones, model aeroplanes and electric
vehicles requires special approval from the Director and/or Technical Manager.
In doing so, working alone is prohibited, hair should be carefully tightened,
sleeves should be folded above the elbows, proper protective gear(s) (such as
goggles, helmet, etc.) MUST be worn.

Use of the three-phase power supply requires special approval
from the Director and/or Technical Manager.

Be aware of the location of the first aid materials/facilities,
chemical spill kits, fire-fighting equipment and the fire escape route.

In an emergency, the technical staff and the fire warden have
TOTAL authority to evacuate the workplace. Evacuation orders MUST be followed.
If the fire alarm is on, unless it is on testing intermittent mode, all
personnel in the workplace must evacuate immediately.

All accidents, injuries (no matter how minor), near-misses and
repeated violations of safety regulations should be reported to the staff
listed in the Health & Safety Information Placard and the Technical Manager
as soon as possible (see Section 7).

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5.2   Electrical Safety

Be very careful with electrical equipment and never touch/operate
any electrical switch gears if your hands are wet.

All electrical connections must be completely and properly
insulated and grounded. All conducting wires must be adequately concealed.

The installation/repair of any apparatus operating at above 50 V
a.c. or 120 V d.c. must be done by an approved licensed electrician “A” holder
or above from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. The installations/repair
can also be performed by a licensed contractor or an electrician from Estates

For portable apparatus operating at above 50 V a.c. or 120 V
d.c., its flexible wires must either be permanently fixed to the power supply
outlet or its connection to the power supply must be made through properly
constructed plug and socket. The use of combination sockets is not recommended
for heavy current equipment.

An extension cord (拖板)
should only draw electricity directly from a wall socket but not a socket
adaptor (萬能蘇)
or another extension cord.

Where any part of a portable apparatus is made of metal and not
of a double insulation type, the portable apparatus must be effectively earthed
and inspected every 6 months for loose connection/fault.

All high voltage equipment and appliances must bear the “High
Voltage” warning label. A warning notice in 50 mm red characters and letters
and white background bearing “DANGER UNDER REPAIR” and “危險在維修中” must
be displayed in a visible position at or near any conductor, apparatus or
switchboard being worked on.

Further guidelines on electrical safety can be viewed at

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5.3    Machinery Safety

All users of machinery must wear safety spectacles. Long
hair and loose clothes (including scarves, ties, sleeves) must be carefully tied.
Suitable personal protective equipment should be worn.

Working alone in using/operating any powered machinery with
exposed high speed moving/rotating part(s) is prohibited.

Never put your hands/fingers or any part of your body near the
moving parts or in the path of motion of machinery.

All machine guards must be inspected and maintained periodically
to ensure it conforms to the relevant safety standard.

Only students with machine workshop training recognized and
endorsed by the InnoWing are allowed to enter and use the Machine shop. Even a
student is a recognized trained-user, he/she MUST work under the supervision of
a technician (not a tutor) competent in
machining, as designated by signage of the Machine Shop.

Further guidelines on machinery safety can be viewed at

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5.4    Chemical Safety

All chemicals must be treated as poisons and properly labelled.
Work with chemicals only when you are familiar with their properties:
flammability, reactivity, corrosiveness, toxicity, etc. The endorsement from
the technical staff-in-charge must be obtained if you intend to bring any
chemical into the laboratory. Unknown chemicals will be expropriated without
notice. All waste organic solvents must be disposed of in specially marked
containers (“WASTE SOLVENTS”). Disposal of organic solvents into the drains is
strictly prohibited.

All chemicals must be kept safely in their proper place. Spills
must be cleaned up immediately and properly. Safety Office should be consulted
in the disposal of unidentified chemicals.

No chemical should be brought inside the InnoWing without the
prior approval of the Technical Manager and the technician-in-charge. They, in
turn, should consult the staff-in-charge whether the chemical is needed for the
activities in the workshop/studio.

The service condition of the chemical spill kit and the emergency
shower/eye-washer should be checked and ensured at 6-month interval.

Any work involving combustibles, volatile organic compounds,
toxic gases, airborne particulates and unpleasant odours must be conducted in the
fume hood. If there is a sash in a fumehood hood, it should be kept as low as
practicable. When no one is working with the fumehood, the sash should be shut
with the fan on. Comprehensive safety guidelines on fume hoods can be viewed at

For workshop/studio in which chemicals are stored/used, a list of
chemicals must be available. The list should mention the means such as
hardcopies or internet links for accessing the related Material Safety Data

Pesticides should not be applied without the endorsement of the
Technical Manager (see Section 10).

Further guidelines on chemical safety in laboratories can be
viewed at

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5.5    Biological Safety

Experiments with animals and infectious substances are
prohibited in InnoWing.

Never put anything in the mouth whilst in the laboratory and
avoid subsequent transfer to items such as food by always washing hands before

Avoid the likelihood of puncture wounds by careful handling
procedures and always keep any breaks in the skin covered whilst in the

Care must be taken to minimize the production of aerosols.

Place appropriate signs at appropriate areas in the laboratory
including level of containment, restricted access and hand wash only, etc.

Wash hands prior to and following laboratory activities and at
any time contamination is suspected.

Disinfect laboratory benches and equipment prior to and at the
conclusion of each laboratory session, using an appropriate disinfectant and
allowing a suitable contact time. Disinfection should also be used to prevent
microbial growth in spent culture fluids and used culture ware.

Biological wastes require specialist disposal. In particular,
disinfected wastes should be autoclaved before putting into appropriate rubbish
bags different from those of the general disposal stream. Disposal at
designated garbage collection centre of the University by designated personnel
is required.

All broken glassware, syringe needles and other sharps involving
biological hazards MUST NOT be disposed in rubbish bin but in a yellow sharp
box . When the box is full, specialist disposal is required.

Care must be taken when handle and use liquid nitrogen
particularly appropriate protection such as wearing thermal gloves and shoes.

Periodic examination of autoclaves must be done. Only designated
personnel are allowed to use autoclaves.

The relevant manual/COP/guidance of the Safety Office on
biological safety can be accessed at
In particular, precautions for working in Room LG-09 of InnoWing at
should be understood and followed.

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5.6   Rechargeable Battery Packs and Chargers

  1. This set of guidelines applies to rechargeable battery packs (“battery packs”) and the related chargers (“chargers”), including those of electric hand tools, used in IW. It does not apply to cylindrical batteries as well as batteries used in mobile phones and laptop computers.
  2. Only battery packs and chargers from trustworthy brands and suppliers can be used in IW. You can consult the technical manager for a list of these brands and suppliers.
  3. All battery packs and chargers must be registered with the IW Office before being used in IW. A label, to be stuck on the registered item, bearing the IW stamp will be issued by the IW office for identification purpose.
  4. Battery packs can only be charged in the charging cabinet provided by IW (to be implemented after the arrival of these cabinets).
  5. Charging of battery packs in IW outside its opening hours is prohibited. Power supply to charging cabinets will be shut down half an hour before IW closes.
  6. Excessive charging current may damage the battery pack and lead to safety issues. Unless the charging current limit of the battery pack can be detected by the charger through, typically, the balance plug/port/connect, the charging current limit must be correctly set manually in the charger.
  7. Battery packs with ageing, abuse and faulty signs should not be used in IW. These signs include but are not limited to deformations of the battery cases typically due to swelling and dropping, excessive wearing of the battering cases, batteries running out appreciably quicker than normal, and charging appreciably slower than normal.
  8. Faulty and partially faulty chargers should not be used in IW.
  9. Each project team should keep its list of battery packs and chargers. A monthly statement should be submitted by the project team leader to the IW office to confirm that each of the battery packs and chargers is in good condition, see 7 and 8. The statement should also be endorsed by a technical staff.
  10. IW staff should be notified immediately when the alarm of the charging cabinet rings; the battery pack and/or charger produce smoke, hissing sound and/or on fire regardless of whether the battery pack is being charged. The University’s Security Control at 3917 2882 or even 999, if applicable, should then be contacted unless the staff is sure that the situation has been under control, e.g. the smoke, hissing sound and fire have essentially stopped. Users and staff should stay away from the incident location until the smell, smoke and fire, if any, have gone out.
  11. Useful information on battery packs and chargers can be accessed at Lipo Battery Guide and Understanding LiPo Batteries


5.7   Work-above-ground and Work-at-height

In general, work-above-ground and work-at-height mean carrying out the work at less than and above 2 metres above the ground/floor level, respectively.

Ladders, including straight ladders and folding ladders, are usually used for ascending and descending purposes only. They should not be used for work-above-ground unless in very exceptional circumstances and after having conducted a task-specific risk assessment by the Technical Manager. If the use of ladders is unavoidable, stringent control should be implemented to ensure that adequate and suitable control and safety measures are in place. In particular, another technical staff should stay on the ground/floor level to prevent the ladder from being hit or struck by moving persons and objects.

In InnoWing, only full-time technical staff trained in using its working platform are allowed to work-at-height and the working platform must be used. Another staff should stay on the ground/floor level to prevent the working platform from being hit or struck by moving persons and objects.

When a working platform is being moved to another workplace, do not allow any persons to stay thereon, any objects that may increase the risk of overturning the platform and loosen objects that may fall while moving the platform to be placed thereon;

All the castors should be firmly locked in position while ascending/descending and using the working platforms;

The outriggers of working platforms should be fully extended in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements to ensure their secure foundation and stability.

The height-to-base ratio of mobile working platforms and other safety recommendations in the manufacturer’s manual should be strictly followed. Do not arbitrarily increase the height of mobile working platforms beyond the manufacturer’s recommended level.

The working platform should be properly maintained, examined and inspected in compliance with the statutory requirement. The relevant records should be made available in visible locations of the working platform.

More safety guidelines on the working platform can be seen at

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5.8   Safety Quiz and Training for Students

To access the facilities in InnoWing, students must first become a member and pass a safety quiz,

To access any particular equipment items, students must be gone thru the appropriate training and have assessed by the Technical Manager. Examples of the training include the engineering/workshop training courses offered by engineering academic Departments of the University. InnoWing also offers its in-house training and/or supervision on operating the equipment items of the InnoWing, see

5.9   Student Interest Group Working outside Opening

Under exceptional circumstances, Student Interest Group may apply for working in the project studio outside the normal opening hours by filing an application form obtainable from the General Office. The form must be endorsed by the academic supervisor who must arrange himself/herself, technical staff or tutor to supervise/monitor the activity of the group. Special endorsement of the Director is needed if a tutor is proposed to supervise/monitor the activity.

to the top

6. In-house Inspection System

In-house Inspection is conducted at approximately 12 months intervals by the Safety Working Group. A report would be furnished by the Group for each Inspection and disseminate to all the staff-in-charge and technicians-in-charge.

to the top

7. Safety Vetting for Activities

An application for hosting activities in various Project Studios, Thematic Workshops and Event Halls must be raised by the activity supervisor who must be a teacher in the Faculty of Engineering. The application would be vetted by the Safety Working Group to ensure the technical and safety issues, if any, would be adequately addressed.

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8. Reporting Incidents and Injuries

Incidents here refer to health and safety-related accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations, etc. All incidents must be reported to a technical/office staff who should then notify the Technical Manager or the Director as soon as possible. The technical/office staff should note down: (i) time and date of the incident, (ii) location of the incident, (iii) name(s) of student/staff/visitor involved, (iv) staff-in-charge of the incident location, (v) a brief description of the incident, (vi) medical treatment and medical leave, (v) nature of the incident (e.g. accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations) and (vi) telephone number of the relevant person(s).

The Director needs to report any work-related injury (including those on outsiders) leading to temporary or permanent loss of work capacity to Human Resources Section of the Registry and the Safety Office. In practice, it may be difficult to judge whether a minor injury leads to any loss of work capacity.  So the policy of the University is that staff, students and visitors are encouraged to report all work-related injuries.  In particular, the injured MUST notify the InnoWing if he/she sought medical treatment from any hospital, medical clinic or practitioner no matter how minor the injury is.

For emergency, the University’s 24-hour Security Control Centre at 3917 2882 or even 999, if applicable, should be contacted directly.

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the top

9. Infection Control Measures

The University has established guidelines on Infection Control Measures (see
These include but not restricted to

Temperature check using IR camera is done at the main entrance.
Persons with fever would be declined from entering the InnoWing and advised to visit a medical doctor as soon as possible.

Mask should always be worn and the mask should fit snugly over the face.

Alcohol-based hand-rub should be provided at the main entrance for disinfecting, if necessary.

Events & crowd management should be exercised to maintain a reasonable social distance.

Please visit
for the most up-to-date infection control measures of InnoWing.

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the top

10. Safety Awareness Declaration

All workshops/studios users including technical staff are requested to sign a Safety Awareness Declaration Form.

The duly completed form should be submitted to the staff-in-charge of the thematic workshop or the supervisor of the Student Interest Group for endorsement.

The supervisor submits the endorsed form to the Technical Manager.

The form will automatically expire on 31 August every year. Members should make the declaration again for keeping his/her privilege of working in the thematic workshop/project studio.

Smart card door access privilege to a workshop/studio would not be granted without a duly completed Form.

The technical manager may request users to make a declaration again if a new hazard(s) appears on the premises.

Back to the

11. Guidelines on Safe Pest Control

Cases have occurred in Hong Kong in which the health of people has been seriously compromised by pesticides which are by nature toxic
chemicals. It is therefore essential to ensure that people are not unduly exposed to pesticides via inhalation, ingestion and/or skin absorption.
Fumigation is generally not allowed on campus unless it can be established that it is the only effective method for a particular task.

If staff and students are repeatedly annoyed by pests, please report to the General Office which, at its discretion, can contact the Estates Office for assistance.

More comprehensive guidelines on pest control operations can be seen at

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Updated in Feb 2025

This document is mounted as and it details the arrangement for safety and health issues of Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing. The following abbreviations are adopted in this document.

  1. Preamble
  2. Safety & Health Relevant Staff
  3. Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities
    3.1  Supervisory Staff
    3.2 Staff and Students of the University
    3.3 Staff of Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing
    3.4 Director
    3.5 Technical Manager
    3.6  Safety Representative
    3.7  Chemical Waste Manager
    3.8 Administrative Assistant / Executive Office
    3.9  Manual Handling Operation Risks Assessor
    3.10 Staff-in-charge
    3.11 Technician-in-charge
    3.12 Fire Wardens
  4. Fire Safety
    4.1 Escape Routes
    4.2 Fire Fighting Equipment
    4.3 Emergency Evacuation
  5. Workplace Safety Regulations
    5.1 General Safety
    5.2 Electrical Safety Regulations
    5.3 Machinery Safety Regulations
    5.4 Chemical Safety Regulations
  6. In-house Inspection System
  7. Reporting Incidents and Injuries
  8. Infection Control Measures
  9. Safety Awareness Declaration
  10. Guidelines on Safety Pest Control Operation 
1. Preamble

In addition to its commitment to excellence in teaching and research and the service it renders to both local industry and society, Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing is also devoted to the improvement and maintenance of safety and occupational hygiene standards for all staff, students, visitors, etc.

The safety arrangements and regulations are overseen by the Safety Working Group under the Executive Committee of Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing. In this document, the arrangements and regulations are described and the principal safety responsibilities of different staff are also indicated.


2. Safety & Health Relevant Staff

All staff and users have their own safety and health responsibilities. The following lists the safety & health relevant staff who assume more specific safety tasks:

Role Staff Office Contact number
Dr. C.K. Chui 
IW-G01B Director's office
2857 8452
Technical Manager
Mr. C.S. Seto
IW-G06 Machine shop
3910 2384
Fire Wardens for IW-G
Mr. C.S. Seto, Edison Ye
IW-G06 Machine Shop
3910 2384
Fire Wardens for IW-LG
Mr. Edward Hung, K.F. Lee
IW-G01 General Office
3910 2388
Safety Working Group
Dr. C.K. Chui, Mr.C.S. Seto, Prof. K.Y. Sze
IW-G01 General Office
3910 2388

The Technical Manager is also the Safety Representative, the Chemical Waste Manager, the First Aid Box Coordinator and the Manual Handling Operation Risk Assessor.
As radioactive substance and display screen equipment are not used in IW, there is no Radiation Safety Representative and Display Screen Equipment Assessor.

3. Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities

In this section, the principal safety & health responsibilities of various parties are indicated. The order does not necessarily reflect the level of responsibility and importance. Additional descriptions on the responsibilities can be viewed at

3.1    Supervisory Staff

All supervisory staff are responsible for ensuring that any risks to safety and health within their area of responsibility are properly identified and controlled. This responsibility extends beyond the boundaries of the University campus and includes off-campus activities.

  • Every staff member (this includes principal investigators and class instructors) is responsible for the health and safety of those employees and students under their supervision. This applies equally to academic and administrative staff as to technical staff;
  • Staff cannot delegate out of this responsibility and should endeavor to encourage and foster safe working practices among the supervisees;
  • In cases where safety and health guidelines have not been prepared at Innovation Wing or University level, supervisory staff must ensure that a risk assessment has been completed and appropriate provisions have been made to eliminate or control the risks.

3.2   Staff and Students of the University

All members of the University community are required to conduct themselves and to perform their duties in a safe manner so as not to endanger themselves or others who may be affected by their activities. They have a duty to cooperate with the University and the staff in Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing in order to enable the University to comply with legal and policy requirements that relate to their activities and actions in cases of emergency. 

Any accident, dangerous occurrence, property damage, or potential hazard should be brought to the attention of the safety representative or the Safety Office.

3.3   Staff of Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing

All full-time and part-time staff should be familiar with the safety & health arrangement and recognize that they all have a part to play in preventing accidents and incidents of ill health emanating from the workplace. They have the responsibility to cooperate with supervisors and other staff to achieve a safe & healthy workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. They should not take risks nor carry out procedures or work practices contrary to safe working practices and if they are in any doubt they should raise such items with their immediate supervisor. If the supervisor does not offer a reasonable solution, the matter must be referred to the Safety Representative and the Director.
In particular, technical staff should know how to use the fire fighting equipment provided in the Innovation Wing.

3.4 Director

The Director has overall safety & health responsibilities for the staff and students working in the Innovation Wing. The responsibilities include

  • providing adequate resources to ensure that healthy and safe working conditions are maintained and that only safe working practices and safe systems of work are adopted by the staff and students;
  • providing sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the safety and well being of the staff and students;
  • ensuring that all measures designed to safeguard the safety & health of each individual are put into practice;
  • ensuring that all technical staff how to use the fire fighting equipment provided in the Innovation Wing.

3.5   Technical Manager 

Technical manager is automatically the Safety Representative, the Chemical Waste Manager, First Aid Box Coordinator and Manual Handling Operation Risk Assessor of the Innovation Wing. He/she is also responsible for health, safety and welfare of all the technical staff working in the Innovation Wing. He/she as the immediate supervisor of all technical staff has the full responsibility in their roles in upholding the safety regulations. In particular, his/her responsibilities are: 

• directing and coordinating the handling of chemical wastes as stipulated in “Chemical Waste” at;

• ensuring adequate first-aid materials are provided in all first-aid boxes and that they are regularly renewed (duty of the First-Aid Box Coordinator)
• enforcing and participating in the In-house Inspection System (see Section 6);
• enforcing and observing the In-house Incidents Report Procedure (see Section 7);
• enforcing and participating in the Laboratory Safety Awareness Declaration (see Section 9).




3.6 Safety Representative 

Responsibilities of the safety representative can be viewed at for further details. He/she assists the Director in fulfilling the safety & health responsibilities in the following aspects:

• informing the Director and Safety Office of any special hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into, the unit;
• ensuring that new members of the Innovation Wing, including students, are informed of the safety & health policy, standards and procedures;
• identifying training needs and conducting activities;
• ensuring that means exist for all machinery and equipment to be properly maintained and used in a safe condition;
• ensuring with the assistance of Safety Office that first aid, personal protective equipment and safety facilities are provided and properly maintained;
• directing a regular program of safety inspections, and participating in such inspections;
• ensuring that accidents are reported promptly by following the University procedures and reporting any case of non-compliance to the Director of Innovation Wing;
• investigating accidents and incidents and recommending accident prevention measures to the Director as and when necessary.
• ensuring that the technical staff, Chemical Waste Manager, first aiders and the fire wardens are adequately trained, instructed, supervised and informed of any potential hazards associated with the handling, transport and storage of various tools, equipment, chemicals, etc.;
• ensuring that laboratories/workshops are maintained in a tidy and organized condition, and they continue to meet the safety & health requirements;
• ensuring that safety regulations are properly enforced in all workshops/studios;
• ensuring technical staff have appropriate tools, equipment, access to equipment and proper safety gears to enable them to carry out work safely without risks to health;
• ensuring that outside staff such as those who do the repairing and maintenance jobs in the laboratories are not put at risk by University operations and conversely to ensure that they do not jeopardize the safety & health of University staff, students, visitors, etc.;
• identifying new hazards which may arise due to new equipment, projects, etc. and implementing the relevant safety measures and practices;
• updating the Health & Safety Information Placard every six months and whenever new hazard(s) arises;
• ensuring that the workshops/studios workshops with hazards identified on Health & Safety Information Placards are visited at least once in every half working day by technical staff;
• ensuring that all machinery in laboratories/workshops conform to the standard of Regulation of The Factory and Industrial Undertakings (Guarding and Operation of Machinery) by proper inspection and maintenance regularly;

3.7 Chemical Waste Manager

Duties of the Chemical Waste Manager can be viewed at In particular, the duties include

  • directing and co-ordinating the handling of chemical wastes;
  • initiating a Waste Log Sheet for each pail (Every waste entering the pail must be properly logged and the filled log sheet must accompany the pail at time of collection by Safety Office.)

3.8 Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer

General duties of the Administrative Assistant / Executive Officer are to ensure that office staff under his/her control are trained, supervised, instructed and informed of any potential hazards in the general office. In particular, his/her safety & health responsibilities include:

  • maintaining the Innovation Wing Office in an organized condition;
  • ensuring the general cleanliness, tidiness and housekeeping are kept to a standard such that none are potential causes of accidents and ill-health;
  • ensuring that infection control measures implemented by the University are upheld (see Section 8);
  • ensuring that electrical equipment for office and pantry equipment is regularly checked for obvious faults and dangers;
  • ensuring lighting in the office is adequate for work;
  • ensuring the position of the computer screen does not create uncomfortable viewing and that the design of the computer installation is within acceptable ergonomic standards.
  • ensuring the fire warden(s) and first aiders(s) who are office staff are properly trained.

3.9 Manual Handling Operation Risk Assessor

It is required by law (Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance) that risk assessment for manual handling operations by the person responsible for the workplace is necessary. In addition, if ten or more staff are involved in a manual handling operation which may create safety & health risks, the person responsible for the workplace must appoint competent persons to assist in carrying out preventive and protective measures with respect to the Guidance Notes on Manual Handling Operations at

3.10 Staff-in-charge 

The general duties of the Staff-in-Charge of a workshop, a studio or a Student Interest Group are to ensure that the staff, students and visitors working in the relevant workplace under their supervision are trained, instructed, supervised and informed of any potential hazards (and how to overcome them) which they may be confronted with whilst at work. Their responsibilities also include:
• ensuring the safety and health of the staff, students and visitors, as far as is reasonably practicable, whilst working in areas and laboratories other than their own;
• Identifying and upholding the safety regulations applicable to the workplaces and laboratories;
• Identifying the Safety Checklist(s) applicable to the workplaces and laboratories;
• Informing the Workspace & Safety Committee and the Technical Manager of any special hazards in, or new hazards about to be introduced into the workplace;
• ensuring staff, students and visitors are aware of the hazard(s) in the workplace and the applicable safety regulations;
• ensuring proper, adequate and functioning equipment/facilities are available in the workplace and laboratory as required by various safety regulations on its activities and inventory;
• maintaining and managing the workplaces and laboratories in a tidy and well-organized condition that the health and safety requirements are met;
• enforcing and participating in the In-house Inspection System (see Section 6), Incidents Reporting System (see Section 7) and Safety Awareness Declaration (see Section 9).

3.11 Technician-in-charge

Technician-in-charge of a workshop or studios is identified on Health & Safety Information Placard. His/her responsibility include:
• upholding the safety regulations in the workplace; if the act of upholding the regulations fails, they should report the incident to the technical manager and/or staff-in-charge immediately;
• being aware of the hazards as well as newly appeared hazards in the workplace and attending training workshops related to these hazards organized by the Safety Office or elsewhere;
• maintaining and managing the workplace in a tidy and organized condition and that the workplace continue to meet the health and safety requirements;
• ensuring the well-being of all the fire-fighting, safety-related and first-aid equipment materials/facilities and learning how to operate them;
• making the hazard(s) known to students before the laboratory sessions are started and ensuring that the students are closely supervised;
• making the hazard(s) known to contractor and their workers, ensuring that contractor and their workers sign a record book in which their name, the company name, I.D. Card number, contact telephone number; all work done by the contractor and their workers must be closely supervised;
• preparing the list of chemicals used and/or stored in the workshop or studios; the list should mention the means such as hardcopies or internet links for accessing the related Material Safety Data Sheets
• reporting any accident, injury, near-misses and repeated violations of safety regulations occurred in their respectively laboratory or during the work by following the In-house Incidents Reporting Procedure (see Section 7) as soon as possible; implementing the Laboratory/Workshop Safety Awareness Declaration (see Section 9);
• working with the First-Aid Box Coordinator to ensure that the first-aid box in the workplace contain sufficient quantity of suitable first aid materials and nothing else;
• if there are hazard on the Health & Safety Information Placard of the workplace, ensuring that the laboratories/workshops are visited at least once in every half working day by a technical staff;

3.12 Fire Wardens

A fire warden should under no circumstances be responsible for more than one floor. The roles of the fire wardens are detailed in the document “Role of Fire Wardens” at On hearing the alarm, each fire warden is requested to
• immediately put on the “HKU Fire Warden” cap provided by the Safety Office for identification;
• check rooms within previously agreed area to ensure all people have left; if some people are unwilling to leave, do not delay but continue to search other rooms;
• spur on people to leave their place of work and to direct them to the appropriate exit(s);
• note which rooms or areas were not checked due to smoke/fires and to inform fire brigade upon its arrival without delay;
• move people away from building exits to the assembly point;
• report any problems (missing persons, non-evacuated staff etc.) to the fire brigade without delay.
• identify key holders should the fire brigade wish to enter locked rooms.

4. Fire Safety

4.1   Escape Routes

A poster on escape routes is posted near the exit of each workplace. Technician-in-charge should inform the users of the workplace with the escape route before they use the workplace.

Fire escape route and the location of safety station on the G/F of Innovation Wing
Fire escape route and the location of safety station on the LG/F of Innovation Wing

4.2 Emergency Evacuation

In an emergency, the technician-in-charge and the fire warden have TOTAL authority to evacuate the workplace. Evacuation orders MUST be followed. If fire alarm is on, unless it is on testing mode, all individuals must evacuate immediately by following an escape route.

5. Workplace Safety Regulations

The hazard(s) in the studio/workshop is identified on the Health & Safety Information Placard posted on the door of the studio/workshop. Safety guidelines, regulations and checklists can be viewed at and/or Following is a partial list of the relevant documents and their links:
• Action in Case of an Emergency ( )
• Carcinogens ( )
• Chemical Safety in Laboratories ( )
• Chemical Waste ( )
• Code of Practice on User of High-Power Lasers ( )
• Display Screen Equipment (Visual Display Units) (
• Electrical Hazards (
• Guidelines on Safe Pest Control Operation (
• Health & Safety Information Placard (
• Laboratory Fume Cupboards (
• Machinery safety (
• Reporting Procedure for Accidents, Dangerous Occurrence & Near Misses (
• Work Outside Normal Working Hours (
• Inspection Lists (

The applicable regulations and checklists to a workplace is specified by the Staff-in-charge and endorsed by the Safety Working Group. The information given below is intended to be an outline of the more specific and exhaustive regulations. They should not be regarded as the only applicable regulations.

5.1   General Safety

  • All personnel in a workplace MUST understand and follow the applicable safety regulations at ALL times. Violation of these regulations is sufficient ground to revoke user’s access privilege for the workplace by the technician-in-charge who is responsible to uphold the regulations. If the act of upholding the regulations fails, the technical staff-in-charge should report the incident to the Technical Manager as soon as possible.
  • Unauthorized entrance is strictly prohibited.
  • Unauthorized work/experiment is strictly prohibited.
  • Never perform work/experiment within any workplace alone or use any items inside these areas alone. Operating any equipment with exposed high speed moving/rotating part(s) after drug that may cause drowsiness is strictly prohibited.
  • In all studios, workshops and makerspaces, loosened clothes and open-toed shoes, such as slippers, pumps and sandals, must NOT be worn. Shoes MUST provide adequate protection of your feet and MUST cover the whole feet. Proper protective gear(s) MUST be worn when working in designated areas.
  • Be aware of the location of the first aid materials/facilities, chemical spill kits, fire-fighting equipment and the fire escape route.
  • In an emergency, the technical staff and the fire warden have TOTAL authority to evacuate the workplace. Evacuation orders MUST be followed. If fire alarm is on, unless it is on testing intermittent mode, all personnel in the workplace must evacuate immediately.
  • All accidents, injuries (no matter how minor), near-misses and repeated violations of safety regulations should be reported to the staff listed in the Health & Safety Information Placard and the Technical Manager as soon as possible (See Section 7 & Section 8).

5.2   Electrical Safety Regulations

• Be very careful with electrical equipment and never touch/operate any electrical switch gears if your hands are wet.
• All electrical connections must be completely and properly insulated and grounded. All conducting wires must be adequately concealed.
• The installation/repair of any apparatus operating at above 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. must be done by an approved licensed electrician “A” holder or above from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. The installations/repair can also be performed by a licensed contractor or an electrician from Estates Office.
• For portable apparatus operating at above 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c., its flexible wires must either be permanently fixed to the power supply outlet, or alternatively, its connection to the power supply must be made through properly constructed plug and socket. The use of combination sockets is not recommended for heavy current equipment.
• Where any part of a portable apparatus is made of metal and not of a double insulation type, the portable apparatus must be effectively earthed and inspected every 6 months for loose connection/fault.
• All high voltage equipment and appliances must bear the “High Voltage” warning label. A warning notice in 50 mm red characters and letters and white background bearing “DANGER UNDER REPAIR” and “危險-在維修中”must be displayed in a visible position at or near any conductor, apparatus or switch board being worked on.

5.3    Machinery Safety Regulations

  • All users of machinery must wear safety spectacles. Long hair and loose clothes must be carefully Suitable personal protective equipment should be worn.
  • Never put your hands/fingers or any part of your body near the moving parts or in the path of motion of a machinery.
  • All machine guards must be inspected and maintained periodically to ensure it conforms to the relevant safety standard.
  • Only students with machine workshop training recognized and endorsed by the Innovation Wing are allowed to enter and use the Machine shop. Even a student is a recognized trained-user, he/she MUST work under the supervision of a technician competent in machining, as designated by signage of the Machine Shop.

5.4    Chemical Safety Regulations

  • All chemicals must be treated as poisons and properly labelled. Work with chemicals only when you are familiar with their properties: flammability, reactivity, corrosiveness, toxicity, etc. The endorsement from the technical staff-in-charge must be obtained if you intend to bring any chemical into the laboratory. Unknown chemicals will be expropriated without notice. All waste organic solvents must be disposed in specially marked containers (“WASTE SOLVENTS”). Disposal of organic solvents into the drains is strictly prohibited.
  • All chemicals must be kept safely in their proper place. Spills must be cleaned up immediately and properly. Safety Office should be consulted in disposal of unidentified chemicals.
  • No chemical should be brought inside the Innovation Wing without the prior approval of the Technical Manager and the technician-in-charge. They, in turn, should consult the staff-in-charge whether the chemical is needed for the activities in the workshop/studio.
  • Any work involving combustibles, volatile organic compounds, toxic gases, airborne particulates and unpleasant odours must be conducted in exhaust hoods. If there is a sash in an exhaust hood, it should be kept as low as practicable. When no one is working with the exhaust hood, the sash should be shut.
  • For workshop/studio in which chemicals are stored/used, a list of chemicals must be available. The list should mention the means such as hardcopies or internet links for accessing the related Material Safety Data Sheets.
  • Pesticides should not be applied without the endorsement of the Technical Manger.
6. In-house Inspection System
  • In-house Inspection is conducted at approximately 6-month interval by the Safety Working Group. The Group would go through the applicable checklist(s) for each workplace. A report would be furnished by the Group for each Inspection and disseminate to all the staff-in-charge and technicians-in-charge.

7. Reporting Incidents and Injuries

Incidents here refer to health and safety-related accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations, etc. All incidents must be reported to a technical/office staff who should then notify the Technical Manager or the Director as soon as possible. The technical/office staff should note down: (i) time and date of incident, (ii) location of the incident, (iii) name(s) of student/staff/visitor involved, (iv) staff-in-charge of the Incident Location, (v) a brief description of the incident, (vi) medical treatment and medical leave, (v) nature of the incident (e.g. accidents, injuries, near misses, repeated violations of safety regulations) and (vi) telephone number of the relevant person(s).

The Director needs to report any work-related injury (including those on outsiders) leading to temporary or permanent loss of work capacity to Human Resources Section of the Registry and the Safety Office. In practice, it may be difficult to judge whether a minor injury leads to any loss of work capacity.  So the policy of the University is that staff, students and visitors are encouraged to report all work-related injuries.  In particular, the injured MUST notify the Innovation Wing if he/she sought medical treatment from any hospital, medical clinic or practitioner no matter how minor the injury is.

For emergency, Security Office of the University at 3917 2882 or even 999, if applicable, should be contacted directly.

8. Infection Control Measures
  • Temperature check using IR camera is done at the main entrance. Persons with fever would be declined from entering the Tam Wing Fun Innovation Wing and advised to visit a medical doctor as soon as possible.
  • Masks should be worn in all workplaces with more than one user.
  • Alcohol-based hand-rub is provided at the main entrance for disinfecting, if necessary.
  • Events & crowd management should be exercised to maintain a reasonable social distancing.
9. Safety Awareness Declaration
  • All workshops/studios users including technical staff are requested to sign a Safety Awareness Declaration Form.
  • The duly completed form should be submitted to the staff-in-charge of the thematic workshop or the supervisor of the Student Interest Group for endorsement.
  • The supervisor submits the endorsed form to the Technical Manager.
  • The form will automatically expire on 31 August every year. Members should make the declaration again for keeping his/her privilege of working in the thematic workshop/project studio.
  • Smart card door access privilege to a workshop/studio would not be granted without a duly completed Form.
  • The technical manager may request users to make a declaration again if a new hazard(s) appears in the premises.
  • All signed Forms should be kept by the Technical Manager of Innovation Wing until the Forms expire.
Staff/students who are approved to have extended access should first leave the Innovation Wing before the center is closed. Then after 9pm the staff/students can only enter/leave the project studio using the stairway next to back entrance on the G/F near the Sun Yat-sen Steps
Staff/students who are apporved to have extended access are only allowed to access to the project studio but not the other area of the Innovation Wing.
  • Regular access hour:
    • 9:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. on weekdays
    • 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on weekends
    • Closed during university holiday

Supervisor of the Student Interest Groups (SIG) can apply for extended access for the team members to the project studios, subject to the approval of the Innovation Wing Office and the following condition:

  • Require the presence of designated staff-in-charge arranged by the respective supervisor of the SIG.
  • The staff-in-charge is responsible for enforcing disciplines and safety regulations.
  • Any violation of regulations has to report to the Innovation Wing Safety Representative immediately.
  • Staff/students are only allowed to access to the project studio but not the other area of the Innovation Wing.
  • Staff/students who are approved to have extended access should first leave the Innovation Wing before the center is closed. Then after 9pm the staff/students can only enter/leave the project studio using the stairway next to the special project room 2.
10. Guidelines on Safe Pest Control Operation

Cases have occurred in Hong Kong in which the health of people has been seriously compromised by pesticides which are by nature toxic chemicals. It is therefore essential to ensure that people are not unduly exposed to pesticides via inhalation, ingestion and/or skin absorption. Fumigation is generally not allowed on campus unless it can be established that it is the only effective method for a particular task.
If staff and students are repeatedly annoyed by pests, please report to the General Office which, at its discretion, can contact the Estates Office for assistance