Computer Science

Dr. Qi Zhao

Dear Students,

A warm welcome from Qi. Though we don’t have any quantum devices in Innovation Wing, if you are interested in quantum techniques and their potential applications and would like to know more about them , please don’t hesitate to come and talk to me!

Looking forward to seeing you around.


Professor G. Chiribella

The time of your Phd is a unique moment in your career. You have the opportunity to focus all your attention on research, and to become world-leading experts in your own area.
I look forward to hearing your experience in this exciting adventure, and to share mine with you.

Dr. R.B. Luo

Luo received his B.E. degree in bio-engineering, as the top graduate, from the South China University of Technology in 2010 and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Hong Kong in 2015. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Center of Computational Biology, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Luo is a researcher working on 1) bioinformatics algorithm, 2) precision medicine, 3) metagenomics, and 4) literature mining. His research results have been published in peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, and Bioinformatics.

Prof. Reynold C.K. Cheng

We are entering the “Age of Big Data” – an extremely large amount of information is created every day, which is revolutionizing science and technology, governments, economy, and international development. A variety of sources contribute to the Big Data, including the Internet, Wikipedia, social networks (e.g. Facebook), micro blogs, mobile phones, and cameras. How can we perform large-scale and effective analysis and AI on such an unprecedentedly huge amount of data?