May 2024

TechTalk – Building Functional Devices with Colloidal Nanocrystals from the Bottom Up

June 27, 2024 (Thursday) 4:30-5:30pm
Speaker: Professor Leo Tianshuo Zhao, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, HKU
This talk will highlight our previous works about developing heavy-metal-free NC materials and efficient surface modification for near-infrared optoelectronic devices and advancing scale-up fabrication of NC sensor devices for IoT technologies. The talk will also include our recent work on the nanoprinting of NCs to acheive multi-material and multi-functional devices.

TechTalk – Urban Co-modality: Transforming the Future Collaborative Passenger and Freight Transportation

June 20, 2024 (Thursday) 4:30-5:30pm
Due to the rapid development of the e-commerce market and the surging urban logistics demand, the concept of collaborative passenger and freight transportation in the urban context (urban co-modality) is becoming increasingly popular. Urban co-modality exploits the under-utilized capacity in existing urban multimodal transportation systems. This talk will introduce three types of urban co-modality, namely, co-modality based on public transit systems, individual travelers (crowdshipping), and emerging modular vehicles. In this talk, we first introduce analytical and optimization studies of the co-modality problem based on public transit systems, including quantifying the impacts of introducing co-modality on public transit and urban freight systems, examining the Pareto-improving co-modal system that benefits both users and operators, and designing co-modal service networks. We then present recent studies on crowdshipping – engaging travelers in the crowd to carry freight. The optimal pricing strategies of the crowdshipping platform in alternative business formats are identified. Finally, we discuss prospective opportunities to use modular vehicle-based transit systems for co-modal service. Our studies demonstrate that collaborative passenger and freight transportation is a future trend of sustainable transportation, which has the potential to alleviate congestion, reduce carbon emissions, facilitate urban mobility, and create social benefits for users and operators.

Young Scholar TechTalk – Empowering Pervasive Healthcare: Mobile Analytics Systems Leveraging Multimodal Data

June 11 2024 (Tuesday) 4:30-5:30pm
Pervasive healthcare, also sometimes referred to as ubiquitous healthcare, is a research field that focuses on developing healthcare solutions that are seamlessly integrated into everyday life, making healthcare services available anytime and anywhere. It merges concepts from pervasive computing with health and wellness care to create solutions that are woven into the daily routines of individuals. In light of the increasing availability of diverse data sources, such as user-environment contexts and ambient sensor signals, this talk will explore the new challenges and opportunities in developing mobile analytics systems to empower pervasive healthcare. We will begin by introducing these challenges and opportunities, followed by presenting two mobile analytics systems designed for personal and public health. These systems illustrate how mobile analytics can enhance pervasive healthcare. Finally, we will discuss future directions for integrating mobile analytics into the pervasive healthcare landscape.

TechTalk – Learning to Simulate and Understand the 3D World

June 06, 2024 (Thursday) 4:30-5:30pm
Humans live in a 3D world, continually acquiring diverse skills and engaging in various activities through perceiving, understanding, and interacting with it. Our long-term research objective is centered on simulating the 3D world and empowering AI systems with 3D spatial understanding capabilities. In this talk, I will start by discussing our recent research efforts in creating 3D interactive environments by reconstruction, decomposition, and generation. Subsequently, I will explore how we can equip machines with the ability to comprehend and reason within a 3D environment by adopting a data-centric approach. Lastly, I will examine the possibilities of integrating 3D environment simulation and understanding to facilitate the emergence of closed-loop active intelligence. In summary, this talk will encompass our latest efforts in 3D reconstruction, comprehension, and creation, ultimately aiming for AI systems that can effectively navigate and engage with our 3D world.

TechTalk – Towards Controllable and Compositional Visual Content Generation

May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 4:30-5:30pm
Visual content generation has achieved great success in the past few years, but current visual generation models still lack controllability and compositionality. In real applications, we desire highly controllable visual generation models which allow users to control the generated contents in a fine-grained manner. We also desire models which can effectively compose objects with different attributes and relationships into a complex and coherent scene. In this talk, I will introduce our several works towards controllable and compositional visual content generation. I will introduce T2I-CompBench for benchmarking compositional text-to-image generation. I will also introduce our recent works on drag-based video editing, controllable 3D generation, and training-free massive concept editing in text-to-image diffusion models.