TechTalk – MRI at 0.05 Tesla for Accessible Healthcare: Back to the Future?
October 10, 2024 (Thursday) 4:30-5:30pm
Despite a half-century of advancements, global MRI accessibility remains limited, hindering its full potential in health care. Initially, MRI development focused on low fields around 0.05 Tesla, but progress halted after the introduction of the 1.5 Tesla whole-body superconducting scanner in 1983. Using permanent 0.05 Tesla magnets and deep learning for electromagnetic interference elimination, we developed highly simplified 0.05 Tesla MRI systems that operate using a standard wall power outlet and without radiofrequency and magnetic shielding. We demonstrated its wide-ranging applicability for imaging both brain (Nature Communications 2021) and various anatomical structures at whole-body level (Science 2024). Furthermore, we developed three-dimensional deep learning reconstruction methodologies to boost image quality by harnessing extensive high-field MRI data (MRM 2023, Science Advances 2023, Science 2024). We hope these advances will eventually lead to a new class of affordable and computing–powered ultra-low-field MRI scanners for point-of-care applications, addressing unmet clinical needs in diverse health care settings.