Venue for Events / Activities

Application guidelines

Innovation Wing endeavours to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary innovation and experiential learning events/activities in Engineering.

Our venue is open for use by the Innovation Wing-affiliated Student Interest Groups (SIGs) and their members, with a focus on academic-oriented activities. Priority is given to events where our students can actively participate as speakers, thereby sharing their knowledge and accomplishments with fellow students and/or the wider public. The venue will also be used to support experiential learning components in competitions and Engineering courses.

  • You may let Innovation Wing Office knows your venue request by sending us an email innowing[at], our staff will reply and assist with your application shortly.
  • Or you can talk to the Director of the Innovation Wing
  • Submission of application is welcomed anytime. Applications are normally accepted up to 6 months in advance.
  • The application should be endorsed by the Head of the host department. The endorsement assures mutual understanding for the allocation of department resources (such as academic supervisor(s) / technical staff(s) / helper(s)) for the event/activity.
  • The application will be vetted and submitted by department representative. Department representative may give feedback to the applicants on the proposal.


Department representative in the Innovation Wing executive committee

Department of Civil EngineeringProf. J. Yang
Department of Computer ScienceProf SM Yiu
Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringDr. C.K. Lee
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems EngineeringDr. HH Cheung
Department of Mechanical EngineeringDr. C. H. Liu
Eligibility for application
  • The application is open to academic staff in Engineering.
  • Supervisor: The proposal should identify an academic staff in Engineering as the supervisor and contact person of the event/activity.
  • Supporting staff: The proposal should identify supporting staff for the event/activity.
  • The application has to be endorsed by the HoD of the hosting Department.
Floor plan of event/activity venue

G/F of Innovation Wing

Venue Access control Net usable area Provision

Makerspace assembling area 1

Open access for Innovation Wing users

153 square meter 

  • 10 workbenches, each workbench has 6 seats
  • Power supply for each workbench
  • Projectors and AV system
  • Located next to the Machine shop and laser cutting room (controlled access to these two rooms)

Makerspace assembling area 2

Open access for Innovation Wing users

130 square meter (Assembling area 2) 

  • 5 workbenches, each workbench has 6 seats
  • Power supply for each workbench
  • Located next to the 3D printing area
  • Located next to the glass facade facing the University street

LG/F of Innovation Wing

Venue Access control Net usable area Provision

Open event area

Open access for Innovation Wing users

66 square meter

  • Default setup with 6 free tables
  • Projector and AV system
  • Access to pantry
  • Located next to the brainstorming area
  • Mounting rail on ceiling for hanging event posters (Please consult the Innovation Wing Office for the arrangement)

Event halls

Controlled access

  • 93 square meter (Hall A)
  • 93 square meter (Hall B)
  • The movable partition between two halls can be opened
  • Each event hall can accommodate at most 60 seats if it is a seminar setting.
  • Each event hall has a projector and AV system
  • 4-meter headroom space
  • Mounting rail on the ceiling for hanging event posters (Please consult the Innovation Wing Office for the arrangement)

Digital Learning Studio

Open access for Innovation Wing users

55 square meter

  • 1 teacher desk with computer
  • Projector and AV system
  • 29 computers with CAD software installed.
Assessment of applications
  • Upon receiving the application form form the department representative, the proposals will be reviewed by the Director of Innovation Wing and approved by the Director of Interdisciplinary Facilities in the Faculty of Engineering.
  • Assessment criteria of the proposals are including but not limited to the following:
    1. Objectives and potential impact(s) of the event/activity.
    2. Innovation, uniqueness and potential impact of the event/activity.
    3. Scope of the event/activity (i.e. International, University-wide, Faculty-wide, cross / inter-disciplinary, programme-based, course-based).
    4. Appropriateness of the setup, usage and management planning.
    5. Adequacy of academic and supporting staff allocated from the hosting department.
    6. The benefit to students and Innovation Wing.
    7. The feasibility of the access, logistic and security arrangement of the participants.
    8. Applications are normally accepted up to 6 months in advance.
    9. Reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • The confirmation email is sent to the activity supervisor once the proposal is approved.
The role of Innovation Wing and event/activity team
Innovation Wing The event / activity team
Access control of the venue
  • Innovation Wing is NOT open access. Only registered members are allowed to enter the Innovation Wing and access to its facilities and services.
  • For participants who are not a member of Innovation Wing: Registration at the main entrance is required.
  • For big public event/activity: Please allocate an adequate number of supporting staff(s) to facilitate the registration process at the main entrance, and the logistic and security management of the participants.
Setup of Venue
  • Innovation Wing Office arranges basic furniture (such as chairs, workbench tables and storage drawers) upon request listed and approved in the proposal/application form. 
  • Please consult the Innovation Wing Office for the safety and logistic arrangement inside the Innovation Wing.
Storage arrangement for the event/activity
  • Innovation Wing can provide storage area/storage boxes for the event/activity team upon the request made by the supervisor. Innovation Wing Office will make the best effort to accommodate the request.
  • The Innovation Wing Office has the right to allocate/relocate/revoke the storage space for the event/activity team.
  • The event/activity team and the host department follows the storage space arrangement made by the Innovation Wing Office.
  • When the storage space is limited in the Innovation Wing, the Innovation Wing Office could request the event/activity team to relocate their event/activity storage back to the host department.
Housekeeping / cleaning arrangement
  • Innovation Wing Office arranges housekeeping / cleaning service for the common area such as the gallery and corridors.
  • The supervisor is responsible for the housekeeping/cleaning arrangement of the venue.
Publicity of activity and its projects
  • Innovation Wing Office maintains a website that introduces the events/activities in Innovation Wing (in the upcoming activities section and the activity reports section).

  • The supervisor provides the details to Innovation Wing for publicity purpose:
  • Media links:
    • Poster of the event/activity - 36-inch width * 54-inch height with 150dpi (5400 * 8100 pixels)
    • Images of the event/activity - one cover image and several other images.
    • A short video about the event/activity - preferably a one-minute video.
  • A completion report

Event Halls (A and B) on LG/F

Makerspace (Assembling Area 1 and 2) on G/F

Brainstorming area on LG/F

Digital learning studio