SIG – Quantum Education Society

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Team advisors: Dr. Zhiqin Chu (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Dr. Ngai Wong (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

Project information

Project descriptions

The world is currently in the midst of a second-quantum revolution, which will see the counter intuitive properties of quantum systems such as superposition and entanglement, being applied for commercial technologies such as quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communications. Quantum Computing is mostly taught to undergraduates in a classroom focusing mostly on theoretical and mathematical concepts with minimal laboratory components. This is primarily because research laboratories working in quantum science are too expensive, bulky, and complicated to be used for undergraduate teaching purposes. We wish to bridge that gap by building a compact, user-friendly, interactive setup to introduce quantum physics to a younger non-expert audience. The goal of the project is to create a curriculum for quantum technology, a sustainable education model, with an in-class demonstration kit for quantum science education.

Team information

Project leader(s): Mr. Madhav Gupta , PhD (EEE)

Team member(s): Jiahua Zhang, Jiaqi Li, Yayin Tan, Zhang Xianyu, Kwong Yiu Tung


The Student Interest Group “Quantum Education Society” is a student club focusing on quantum science education at the undergraduate level. We help build tools/technologies to demonstrate quantum phenomena in an interesting and playful manner.

Upcoming projects in the next semester include: 

Interested applicants should have a strong interest and inclination towards quantum technologies, and be motivated towards scientific outreach. Successful applicants will get the opportunity to be directly involved with the projects mentioned above, and get a hands-on experience on working with quantum demonstration kits. We are looking for undergraduate and postgraduate students to join as student leaders, and would also love to hear from interested faculty members to serve as mentors/supervisors for this project. 

Interested applicants should contact Mr. Madhav Gupta ( Please include your CV and a short paragraph describing why you would like to join us, your interests, and any scientific outreach experience (if any). 

Project poster
Project video
Useful links
Email (Mr. Gupta)

QR code for Google Form of Quantum
Application Form