SIG – Matchbox

Faculty of Engineering

Project supervisor: Dr. C.K. Chui (Faculty of Engineering)

Application Form for Health AI and Technology (Revita)

Project information

Team information

Project leader: Enoch KANG, BEng(CompSc)

Team member(s): Hei HU BEng(ME); Bryan PONG, BEng(CE)


Matchbox is a STEM kit for kids to assemble their game controllers from upcycled keyboard parts. This project aims to provide schools and organizations with affordable STEM education hardware so that more kids may get started making and tinkering!
Project poster
Recruitment poster
Project video
Project images

Champion and 1st runner-up @ British Model Flying Association (BMFA) 2022 University and Schools Flight Challenges

In June 2022, “Design, Build and Fly” teams from the Department of Mechanical Engineering dominated the Payload Challenge 5 of the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) 2022 University and Schools Flight Challenges. We were successful in taking home both the champion and 1st runner-up awards.

Useful links
