A Simulation Platform for Shared Mobility Services

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jintao Ke (Assistant Professor from Department of Civil Engineering)

This project is showcased in the second exhibition – Digitization in Innovation Wing Two

About the scholar

Dr. Jintao Ke

Teaching and research interests:
• Smart mobility, smart transportation, and smart city
• Urban computing and transportation big data analytics
• Artificial intelligent for transportation
• Operations research and operational management for on-demand mobility

Email: kejintao@hku.hk
Website: https://www.civil.hku.hk/pp-kejt.html

Project information
This is a large-scale simulation platform for managing and controlling Hong Kong taxis. The simulator platform can be used to simulate the movements and trajectories of taxis for idle cruising, picking up passengers, and delivering passengers on a large-scale transportation network. The simulation platform is calibrated by a real dataset of Hong Kong taxis to ensure that the simulation well approximates the reality. This simulator is jointly developed by the teams of Dr. Jintao Ke at HKU and Prof. Hai Yang at HKUST. The simulation platform will be open for public use in the near future.

Researchers can make use of this simulation platform to train and test optimization, machine learning and reinforcement learning algorithms for designing better operating strategies, such as order dispatching, vehicle repositions and dynamic pricing. The simulation platform can also assist the transport department of Hong Kong government in evaluating and designing policies for Hong Kong taxi markets, including vehicle fleet size control and pricing regulations. The ultimate goal of developing this simulation platform is to help taxi operators and government to better manage and operate taxis and ride-hailing vehicles (such as Uber) so as to achieve a sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly on-demand transportation systems in Hong Kong.

Project video
Project images
Dashboard view consists of 9 parts, the above graph is the preliminary display.
Line trip map
Node trip map
Car map
Achievement of the Project
Enquiry / Feedback

Please feel free to give your enquiry / feedbacks to the research team by filling the form (https://forms.gle/JV59N47nTj19ndYz6). Thank you!